
Bio Pilzpulver vom ganzen Pilz

Pilzpulver vom ganzen Pilz - Bio Qualität aus Ö...

Welches Pilzpulver passt am besten zu dir? Was ist zu beachten und welche Qualitätsmerkmal gibt es, wenn du Pilzpulver kaufen möchtest? Hier findest du alle Informationen.

Pilzpulver vom ganzen Pilz - Bio Qualität aus Ö...

Welches Pilzpulver passt am besten zu dir? Was ist zu beachten und welche Qualitätsmerkmal gibt es, wenn du Pilzpulver kaufen möchtest? Hier findest du alle Informationen.

Reishi im Portrait

Reishi in portrait

Tradition has it that this fascinating mushroom has a history of around 4,000 years! In East Asia, Reishi is traditionally a symbol of health, physical and mental recovery, long life,...

Reishi in portrait

Tradition has it that this fascinating mushroom has a history of around 4,000 years! In East Asia, Reishi is traditionally a symbol of health, physical and mental recovery, long life,...

Cordyceps sinensis im Portrait

Cordyceps sinensis in portrait

Information and studies on the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps sinensis. The “power mushroom” from TCM is also very interesting for athletes, among other things!

Cordyceps sinensis in portrait

Information and studies on the medicinal mushroom Cordyceps sinensis. The “power mushroom” from TCM is also very interesting for athletes, among other things!

Agaricus blazei Murrill im Portrait

Agaricus blazei Murrill in portrait

The almond mushroom has a particularly balanced concentration of vitamins, valuable minerals, proteins and amino acids as well as a high proportion of polysaccharides.

Agaricus blazei Murrill in portrait

The almond mushroom has a particularly balanced concentration of vitamins, valuable minerals, proteins and amino acids as well as a high proportion of polysaccharides.